This book is about relationship and the joy of loving our Lord because He loves us for who we are not for who we think we should be. This book is inviting you to set aside your bucket lists. The poetry encourages you to slow down and to view God through the eyes of a child. To remember when your only goal in life was to please Him and not the world. Read the poems and lose yourself in the artwork that will take you to heaven and back. This book is meant to be enjoyed by the whole spectrum of life; from the very young right through to the old, ( I should know I’m 61) as you share it with your loved ones. It’s about embracing the little child in us that God so fearfully and wonderfully made. One look at the dynamic illustrations drawn by my niece Danielle Marie Robinson and you will feel inspired to sing praises to the Lord. The poems were written as celebrations of key moments in the authors life that touched her very soul. God never said keep his blessings to yourself so she shares her vision of being God’s little instrument with you. Enjoy and be blessed.
- Title: God’s Little Instrument
- Author: Sandra Hall
- Publisher: Authorhouse
- Genre: Christian Inspirational
- Pages: 36
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-1-48176-161-1
- Purchase at Authorhouse | Amazon
About the Author:
She has been working as a legal assistant the past twenty-three years in an extremely busy law office. She is the mother of three adults and grandmother of six wonderful grandchildren, with numbers seven and eight putting in their appearance this summer. The unexpected loss of a younger sibling eleven years ago opened the floodgates of her heart and the pent up poetry about her life just poured out. The onslaught was so intense that she would wake in the middle of the night and have to scribble the words down on a pad by the bed. Unable to contain it she wrote poems on envelopes, scraps of paper even ran down the street one time after a poem about her mother that the wind blew away. Now at this phase in her life her writing is all about her legacy. She wants to leave behind a body of work that will bless her family as well as others for years to come. Most of her poetry is like small prayers of gratitude to God that she prays will be knocking at God’s pearly gates long after she is gone. Her poetry is about the joy of life and how we will never find peace unless we embrace our inner child and go before God’s throne with a contrite heart. She has previously written and self-published two other poetry books; (The Poetic Offerings of a Creatively Frustrated Christian and God Whispers). Currently she is working on a fantasy love story.
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