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Edythe Amsel is delighted with her first teaching assignment: a one-room schoolhouse in Walnut Hill, Nebraska. Independent, headstrong, and a firm believer in a well-rounded education, Edythe is ready to open the world to the students in this tiny community. But is Walnut Hill ready for her?
Having raised his nephews since their parents' untimely deaths, Joel Townsend is thrilled to learn the town council has hired a female teacher. His sons could use a woman's influence. But within the first week, Miss Amsel has the entire town up in arms over her outlandish teaching methods. Of course, Joel can't help but notice that she's also mighty pretty --- and just might make a good mother for his boys.
When Edythe decides to take her pupils to hear Miss Susan Anthony speak on the women's suffrage amendment, the town's outcry reaches new heights. Even Joel isn't sure he can support her newfangled ideas any longer. And if can't trust her to teach the boys, how can he trust her with his heart?
What a charming & entertaining book by Kim Vogel Sawyer. Edythe Amsel was such a lovable, endearing teacher & Joel Townsend was such a caring & charming caregiver to his two nephews. So many times while reading "Courting Miss Amsel" I felt as though this book was a slightly different "Little House on The Prairie". There are a quite a few similarities: Walnut Grove/Walnut Hill, Troublemaker Willie Olsen/Troublemaker William Sholes, Schoolteacher Miss Pringle/ Schoolteacher Edythe.
What I liked about this book:
How much Edythe cared for her students, I love the character of Luthenia, Edythe's landlady, how she always seemed to know exactly what to say to Edythe. I even liked how hardheaded Hank Libolt was towards Edythe, it made the story much more enjoyable.
What I didn't like about this book was how Joel fell so quickly in love with Edythe. From the moment Joel met Edythe he thought about how she would make a perfect wife and mother to his two nephews. Before he had even found out anything about her, he just assumed that she was a believer and when he found out that she wasn't, he just about called her a liar.
'Courting Miss Amsel' is a book I would read again & it is a book that I would completely recommend to anyone, especially those who enjoy historical romance.
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Courting Miss Amsel
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